Cloud Native ComputingDevelopersPredictionsTFIR InsightsVideo

2021 Predictions By Lightrun


Tom Granot, Developer Advocate at Lightrun shares his predictions for 2021. According to Granot,

  • Shifting observability to the left will become a big trend with developers playing an increasingly important role.
  • Developers will have more influence on high ticket tooling purchases and not just the simpler, lower price tooling that they previously bought.
  • ‘Generalists’ will be the new kings of software as we see more complicated infrastructure being presented and more companies offering services to manage, configure and run the software. People who understand all these different portions will become heavily important.
  • Codifying will grow in importance as we are already seeing the growth of ‘everything as code’.

[su_note note_color=”#e4e4e4″ text_color=”#000″ class=”hvr-grow” ] Lightrun offers a powerful production debugger.[/su_note]