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Choosing Linode Over AWS Was A No-Brainer: 3Loq


Purely from a cost perspective, choosing Linode over AWS for running non-stop instances was a no-brainer – Anirudh Shah.

3loq is a start-up focusing on creating AI solutions for the BFSI sector. It helps financial organizations like banks retain digital customers using Behavioral AI (check out the case study at Linode). 3loq’s behavioral AI solutions are built on top of a custom stack using open source technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Docker, and Kubernetes to name a few.

3loq uses a hybrid model where they deploy a small cluster to anonymize and remove any kind of personally identifiable information they get from banks and then encrypt and upload it to their Linode Clusters. All the AI/ML heavy lifting is done in the Linode cluster and then the results of the Machine Learning and recommendations for customers are sent back to the on-prem hardware. These models are then deployed by banks to help retain digital customers.

3loq is primarily using Linode’s Virtual Machine instances for their AI/ML and Web Application needs. They are also planning to evaluate LKE (Linode Kubernetes Engine) in the next quarter.

There are many reasons why 3loq chose Linode over AWS, Azure, or GCP. Anirudh Shah, CEO and Co-Founder of 3loq said that as a scrappy start-up they are doing a lot of experimentation with machine learning and unlike traditional web applications where you can turn the machine off when you don’t hear it here you have to keep the machine running and keep experimenting with the different data sets. “Purely from a cost perspective, choosing Linode over AWS for running non-stop instances was a no-brainer,” said Shah. “At the same time in terms of the service offering, everything was bundled as a single unit, so unlike AWS we didn’t have ro keep adding those services. It was a simple and excellent offering.”