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Edge Data Center vs Traditional Data Center | Coredge


Guest: Arif Khan (LinkedIn)
Company: Coredge (Twitter)
Show: To The Point
Keyword: Edge Computing 

When we talk about edge, we are looking at managing thousands and millions of edge sites, which in themselves are instances of cloud. Traditional data centers dwarf in comparison. Arif Khan, Co-founder and CEO of Coredge, goes deeper into explaining the difference between edge data centers and traditional data centers.

About Arif Khan: Arif Khan is a CEO or edge computing product company, He is an avid open-source contributor and an influential thought leader in 5G (Telco Cloud/NFV) and edge computing. He is ambassador for Linux Foundation’s Anuket project. His initiatives with the Linux Foundation include Kontour (Under Akraino), OPNFV (Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization) and ODL (OpenDaylight). He is the driving force behind OpenStack, ODL and OPNFV in Asia. Arif has authored research papers and co-inventor of patents.

About Coredge: Coredge is building a revolutionary cloud and edge platform to address the orchestration and management requirements driven by new-age applications/use cases that requires low latency and hyper-automated delivery. We are helping our customers to solve the complex orchestration and day 0, day 1 and day 2 management issues while moving to modern infrastructure. We are targeting our solutions for technologies like industrial IoT, wearables, self-driving cars, OTT, AR/VR, 4K Streaming, voice/video over IP and the fundamental use case for the Edge Cloud.