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GitLab 14.2 Introduces Build Cloud For macOS beta


GitLab has announced the release of its latest iteration, 14.2, which improves CI speed, delivers built-in CI support for Apple devices, and gives dev teams easier and tighter integration with GitPod.

Build Cloud for macOS beta, Markdown preview, expanded Gitpod integration, and new DevOps adoption metrics are just a few highlights of the 50+ improvements in this release.

Now, you can build applications on the new Build Cloud beta for macOS, a GitLab Runner-powered build platform integrated with GitLab SaaS CI/CD. Access to the beta is initially limited to approved customers and open source community program members.

Also, GitLab 14.2 allows you to launch Gitpod directly from the merge request page, preconfigured to use the target branch, to speed up your reviews and reduce the need for context switching. Enable the Gitpod integration, and your merge requests display a grouped Open in button, so you can open the merge request in either the Web IDE or Gitpod.

Moreover, now in both the Web IDE and single file editor, Markdown files have a new live preview option available.