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Instana Releases Direct Integration With ELK-Stack Based Solution


Instana has launched one-click integration with Coralogix, the first ELK based Log Analytics solution to be integrated with Instana.

The integrated solution allows Dev and Ops team members to jump from isolating problems with Instana to drilling into platform investigation with Coralogix in the exact context, with the search criteria and date time range already set.

  • The integration between Instana and Coralogix is the latest one-click navigation from Instana’s automated APM solution into a log analysis tool, handled via a button in the Instana GUI on key component dashboards (i.e., Services, Containers or Kubernetes).
  • When the button is clicked, Instana starts up an instance of Coralogix, along with a pre-executed analysis filter into the specific logs of the application components and associated infrastructure.
  • Additionally, timing is synchronized, so users don’t have to search for the specific log or timeframe needed to solve problems.
  • Achieving higher visibility is now much easier with zero to minimal configuration. With direct integration with Coralogix, Instana is said to become the first and only APM solution to provide integration with an ELK based Log Analytics solution.
  • ELK, which stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana, comprises three open-source tools typically used for log analytics solutions.
  • The ELK stack is designed for users to be able to search, analyze and visualize data in real-time, from any source and in any format.

The integration with Coralogix and other log analysis tools is now available in all Instana APM solutions.