
Nvidia launches AI-powered Level 2+ automated driving system


Nvidia has strengthened its position in the automotive industry with the launch of the Drive AutoPilot platform at CES 2019.

Claimed to be “the world’s first commercially available Level 2+ automated driving system,” it integrates multiple AI technologies that are likely to enable supervised self-driving vehicles to go into production by 2020.

Level 2+ self-driving solution means it would provide autonomous driving perception as well as a cockpit rich in AI capabilities. It complements the Nvidia Drive AGX Pegasus system that provides Level 5 capabilities for robotaxis.

Drive AutoPilot integrates Nvidia Xavier system-on-a-chip (SoC) processors and the latest Nvidia Drive Software to process deep neural networks (DNNs) for perception as well as complete surround camera sensor data from outside the vehicle and inside the cabin.

According to the company, this combination enables full self-driving autopilot capabilities, including highway merge, lane change, lane splits and personal mapping. Inside the cabin, features include driver monitoring, AI copilot capabilities and advanced in-cabin visualization of the vehicle’s computer vision system.

The Drive AutoPilot software stack integrates Drive AV software for handling challenges outside the vehicle, as well as Drive IX software for tasks inside the car.