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Open Source Supply Chain Security | 2021 Predictions By Tidelift


Donald Fischer, CEO and Co-Founder of Tidelift shares his predictions for 2021. According to Fischer:

  • Software supply chain security will be a major topic of 2021 and open source supply chain security is going to move to the forefront of that conversation.
  • Diversity and inclusion will be one of the top-of-mind issues in 2021 and there will be an increased focus on helping make open source software more diverse and inclusive.
  • Remote first organizations will become the rule rather than the exception, especially in tech.
  • Rise of managed open source services so users can focus on delivering their services and apps without having to worry about the plumbing.

To go deeper into each prediction, please watch the video. Also, check out the company to learn more about what they do.
[su_note note_color=”#e4e4e4″ text_color=”#000″ class=”hvr-grow” ] Tidelift is the largest provider of commercial support and maintenance for the community-led open source behind modern applications. Tidelift deliver customizable catalogs of known-good, proactively maintained JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, and .NET[/su_note]