Cloud Native ComputingDevelopersNews

Rancher 2.5 Offers An Enhanced Single Cluster Management Experience


Rancher Labs has announced new capabilities in Rancher 2.5 to simplify and enhance user experience with Kubernetes. These include an enhanced single cluster management experience, application deployment at scale expanded, expanded public cloud distribution support, and a new certified Kubernetes distribution.

With the 2.5 release, you can now install Rancher on any certified Kubernetes cluster. The idea is to create a simple entry point into all the value of Rancher and the entire Kubernetes ecosystem​ including monitoring, alerting, logging, security scanning, service mesh and persistent storage.

Also, a new dashboard allows both developers and operations teams to inspect the performance of individual clusters in order to gain operational value from them.

Further, Rancher 2.5 introduces major updates to application monitoring and logging capabilities. These updates enable developers and operators to identify bottlenecks and resolve issues quickly.

The latest update also introduces RKE Government, a FIPS compliant, security-hardened derivative of RKE. RKE Government is a CNCF-certified Kubernetes distribution and empowers declarative cloud-native workflows on bare metal, public cloud or air gap.

Rancher Labs’ Fleet open source project, which was announced earlier this year, is now integrated and generally available in Rancher 2.5.