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Real-Time Analytics Will Become The New Normal | Li Kang


Guest: Li Kang (LinkedIn)
Company: CelerData (Twitter)

Built on open-source database StarRocks, CelerData provides a unified analytics platform that delivers timely insights to all stakeholders inside and outside of enterprises. In this episode of 2023 Predictions, VP of Strategy Li Kang shares what’s on his industry radar for this new year.

In 2023, Li believes enterprises will

  • Prioritize having a unified analytics platform instead of building and maintaining one for traditional batch and another for real-time analytics (RTA)
  • Scrutinize provisioning of cloud services and the resources, as well as existing SaaS subscriptions for cost reduction and even cancellation
  • Utilize real-time analytics to gain competitive advantage
  • Treat data products as strategic assets.

He also predicts

  • The latest developments in cloud architecture and AI will fundamentally change how data is prepared and will result in more efficient data engineering.
  • Web3 and analytics will join forces, i.e., Web3 being used to enable RTA applications to create exciting opportunities for innovation in industries like financial services, entertainment and media, and logistics and supply chain management.
  • Analytics at the edge will go mainstream.