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Red Hat Accelerates Integration Between Cloud-Native And Traditional Infrastructure

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Now, Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes can work hand-in-hand helping enterprises to take advantage of the technologies already in use and refine them for a cloud-native future.

Red Hat has announced integration of Ansible Automation Platform and Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes to accelerate the automation and integration between cloud-native and traditional infrastructure.

The integration is aimed at helping drive application modernization for IT environments, breaking down the workflow and development silos between traditional servers and virtual machines and cloud-native clusters, including Red Hat OpenShift.

As part of the integration, Red Hat takes advantage of OpenShift’s Kubernetes Operator foundation to further IT automation in hybrid cloud environments.

Kubernetes Operators make it easier to run applications at-scale across OpenShift deployments, wherever they may exist. And with a Resource Operator for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, the technology can call on Ansible Automation Platform to execute tasks more efficiently outside of the Kubernetes cluster.

The integration is slated for technology preview in the coming weeks.