Cloud Native ComputingDevelopersDevOpsFeaturedPredictions

We May Start Seeing Successors To Kubernetes In 2022 | Liran Haimovitch


Guest: Liran Haimovitch (Twitter)
Company: Rookout (LinkedIn, Twitter)
Show: 2022 Prediction Series

Liran Haimovitch, Co-Founder and CTO of Rookout, predicts that with Kubernetes becoming more mature, we’re going to start seeing Kubernetes successors over the next year. “Kubernetes is great. It’s awesome. It’s way better than everything we had in the past, but it’s also incredibly complex and it can be sometimes very expensive to operate, especially on a smaller scale. I’m guessing we’re going to start seeing new technologies that offer a lighter approach to orchestration that’s going to make things easier, smoother,” says Haimovitch. He also believes observability will start becoming more dynamic as a standard. Check out his other predictions for 2022 above.


Swapnil Bhartiya: Hi, the CEO of [inaudible 00:00:03] and welcome to our 2022 prediction series. We have with us today Liran Haimovitch, Co-Founder and CTO of Rookout. Liran, it’s great to have you on the show.

Liran Haimovitch: It’s great to be here.

Swapnil Bhartiya: Before I ask you to pick up your crystal ball and share your predictions, please could you tell us what Rookout is all about?

Liran Haimovitch: So Rookout is all about dynamic observability. What we do is we provide engineers the tools to see into their software, to see into their code, as it’s running so that you can get variable values, stack traces, anything you want from every line of code without having to preplan, putt in logs, matrix and traces, and know exactly what’s going to happen before it does.

Swapnil Bhartiya: Excellent. Now it’s time for you to grab the crystal ball and tell me what predictions you have for 2022.

Liran Haimovitch: So I have a few predictions. First, I think we’re going to see developer communities going back offline to a certain degree. We’re not going to go all the way back. We’re still going to be some hybrid, a lot of online activities, but I’ve been to a few conferences over the past few weeks and we’ve been signing up to a lot in 2022. We, engineers are really anxious to be back together, to seeing each other, to communicating, to having more offline activities.

I think that even surprises many of us because engineers have been traditionally considered very introvert and they like their home, they like being away from people, but I think we’re going to see that changes a lot over the next year.

My second prediction is that with Kubernetes becoming more mature, and in fact, so many companies are reducing it, it’s becoming the standard, I think we’re also going to start seeing Kubernetes successors over the next year. Kubernetes is great. It’s awesome. It’s way better than everything we had in the past, but it’s also incredibly complex and it can be sometimes very expensive to operate, especially on a smaller scale.

I’m guessing we’re going to start seeing new technologies that offers a lighter approach to orchestration that’s going to make things easier, smoother. I’m not sure if we’re start seeing the new king of the hill next year, but I’m definitely… believe that we’re going to start seeing some options, some new companies saying they have something better, lighter, and that’s going to get some traction.

My third prediction is that we’re going to start seeing observability become more dynamic as a standard. We’re seeing more companies diving into the mix. We’ve seen acquisitions, we’ve seen new companies started, and I think as a whole with the scale becoming ever larger year over year and key metrics such as quality, SLA, uptime, NTTL, all becoming even more important, we can’t rely anymore on trying to collect everything, trying to log everything, trying to get metric for everything, and we’re going to have to find new ways to make that observability more dynamic, whether it’s tools like the Rookout live debugger or live logger or we can see other tools.

But at the end of the day, we need to be more agile in how we collect data for observability, and we can’t rely as much on the traditional more static approach, waterfall design of try to get everything, try to pre-plan all the time, and so on.

Swapnil Bhartiya: Liran, thank you for sharing those predictions. Now, if I ask you what is going to be the focus for the company in 2022?

Liran Haimovitch: So the focus for Rookout is going to be about increasing adoption. We’ve recently launched our [inaudible 00:03:31] support, and this now makes it the sixth platform we support. We’re seeing a lot of demand from the market for adopting those tools. We are also wanting to further expand our reach. We want to see Live Logger, our solution for dynamic law collection, become mainstream. We’re looking to expand into other runtimes and in general create better cloud native debugging experience.

Swapnil Bhartiya: Liran, thank you so much for, of course, sharing about the company, these predictions and the focus. As well, I would love to have you back on the show, but maybe not this year, but certainly next year. Thank you.

Liran Haimovitch: Thanks for having me. It’s been fun.
