Emerging TechnologyNews

With Bluetooth 5.1, You Will Never Lose Your Devices Again


Do you care about Bluetooth? Nah! No one cares about it other than pairing their keyboards or headphones with their computers. It’s boring and slow. But that’s going to change with Bluetooth 5.1.  The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has come up with details about an interesting ‘direction finding’ feature arriving in the next iteration of Bluetooth.

The latest version, called Bluetooth 5.1, will allow devices to determine the direction of a Bluetooth signal. Bluetooth can be currently used for proximity-based services. Bluetooth positioning systems, on the other hand, can achieve meter-level accuracy when determining the physical location of a device.

With the addition of the new feature, it will soon become easier for your smartphone to find out not just the range but exactly pinpoint where another device (Bluetooth 5.1-enabled too) is down to the centimeter-level.

On the flip side, it will also make it easier for law enforcement authorities to find you; if you are running from them. Black Mirror, anyone?

The latest version is now available for developers. In addition, Launch Studio, the Bluetooth SIG tool used to qualify new Bluetooth products, is being updated to support this feature and is also available for developers.